SCILS panel at NJLA (New Jersey Library Association) annual meeting 2003

Reading, Readers, and Reading Genres

How Reading Research May Inform Reader's Advisory

Presented by:
Evan Cestari, Susan Conlon, Terry Edwards, Charlotte Priddle, Kim Strenger

Ellen Pozzi, Patty Rosati, Esther Young and Theresa Wordelmann

Marija Dalbello


Tuesday, April 1, 2003
Hilton East Brunswick

Posters can be examined from 8:30-9:00 and immediately after the session.

This panel presents studies of reading genres and genre readers focusing on a number of classic and some emerging genres of popular fiction in the context of readers' advisory in public library settings. The studies of reader preferences, and genres ranging from graphic novels to romance fiction will be presented in the form of papers and posters.

The poster session and the panel are in the room adjacent to SCILS breakfast. Please note that registration for students is supported by the Alumni Association.

More information about this panel at:
